
My Breast Screening Story Sheila, Shooters Hill

Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate. We can all get it. And just because you don’t have symptoms doesn’t mean you are ok.

I have had cervical cancer. I put off having my smear test as I thought I was ‘too busy’. Fortunately, I have survived and am well now.  The NHS treatment and staff were brilliant. But it has been a difficult journey.

Having cancer was a wakeup call. It taught me just how important it was to make sure checking for cancer was a priority.

We are so fortunate that screening is possible. It is a simple procedure, with friendly, understanding female staff, that can find out whether we are clear or not. Don’t be afraid of the results – if you are clear you will be really pleased to hear, and if you are not you can make sure you take the next step to keep you healthy.

We all do lots of things regularly without really thinking about it. Making sure we go and get screened when invited to is one of those things – let it become a healthy habit. It is straightforward and easy to have done.

Don’t tell yourself you are too busy and put it on the back burner.  It is your health, your body – its important. Make the time to get screened.

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