
My Breast Screening Story Patreace, Charlton

I think it is so important that all women take control of their health by regularly checking for any signs of breast cancer and getting screened whenever they can.

I have a friend who has breast cancer – she only found out when it had progressed, and now has stage three cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. I now make sure that I check myself every month – it’s easy to do, and you will know if anything is different. And then if it is, go and see your GP just to check if everything is ok.

When you get invited for a breast screening,  make sure you go along. The staff there are so supportive and friendly – and you know that you will only be seen by a woman who specialises in breast screening. It is totally safe and doesn’t take long to do. The procedure is only a little uncomfortable, no more than that – but that is small price for knowing you are clear – or if you are not, that you can be treated early.

Don’t let yourself put it off. Make it something you just do. If there is anything you are uncertain or worried about – just ask and find out.

I have a daughter and a lovely family and friends. I want to ensure I am doing all I can to make sure I am healthy for them. Making sure I am checking for breast cancer is one way I do that.

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